Thursday, June 7, 2012

Missed opportunities

Do you ever look back on your day and count up the opportunities you were given and did not take to share who Christ is?  In the past two days I found myself leaving two situations, asking “how did I not even think to bring up Jesus?” 

One instance was a couple days ago; a lady was asking me for my advice on a dress she wanted to wear to her friend’s daughter’s funeral.  That statement alone, I am sure you could have come up with 50 questions/ comments that would lead you onto a spiritual conversation.  I, on the other hand, heard her question and answered back, “The dress is short, however, because of the conservative top and pattern, I think it would still be appropriate.” – Really??  That’s all I had to say?

Yesterday, I was given another opportunity.  The man that was serving me my hot chocolate (I know what you are thinking, HOT CHOCOLATE IN JUNE.. 105 DEGREES-YOU'RE CRAZY.. yes I am, and yes, it was mighty tastyJ) he asked me where I was from, he mentioned he was at a funeral in Minnesota and that it was a hard time for him and his family.  Now, you think I would have learned my lesson from the previous day... nope...  I reply “Ya, I bet!  Well, did you at least get to ski, or go sledding!?”  He looked down and told me no one was in the right frame of mind to do anything like that.  As he said this, my drink was handed to me, we said our goodbyes and I walked away.  Again,, really??? That’s all I had to say??

So by now, I realized, I lost focus for a moment of my purpose.  So I asked myself, what does it look like for me to be intentional with sharing the gospel?

We are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us2 Corinthians 5:20 When we accept Jesus Christ into our lives we are given the mission to be His ambassador.  Ambassador defined by dictionary .com says : it is a person who acts as a representative or promoter.  We are to represent Jesus and promote the good news!  (Matthew 10:16). Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we must take the message of our King to the “ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8), imploring men and women everywhere to be reconciled to God.

Wayne Schwab identifies 7 areas we live out Gods mission:  Home / family / friends, work, local community, the wider world, leisure activities/ recreational, spiritual health, our share in our church’s life/ outreach.  In these different areas we are able to create relationships, showing others the beauty of Jesus and inviting others into the beauty of reconciliation with Jesus.

As I focused in on my purpose here on Earth (to share the good news with all) I began in prayer for more opportunities and for the spirit of God to convict those hearts to be aware of God in their life. 

Now it was just about time to board my flight and I remember praying to God to use me, “Father, I want to be intentional with my flight, give me an opportunity.”  As I was picking my spot I looked around and didn’t feel a push to sit anywhere specific.  I noticed I was just about all the way to the back so I quickly took the next seat that was open and looked to my right, I was sitting next to two young girls.  I took my Bible and journal out to prepare for my 3 hour flight.  I planned to get in some reading, and journaling in, however, God had other plans, He answered my prayer… and used meJ.  Within minutes of sitting down, I started drawing pictures and writing in the little girl’s journals (with their permission, of course: ), we started talking about our travels and so on.  They asked me about the book I was reading and I made sure I had a purpose to every question I asked them.  I soon learned they had a Bible and what church they went to.  We started talking about our favorite holidays, why they were our favorite and what the meaning was behind them.  They asked me to read to them from the Bible and then wanted to put Jesus in their journal.  The three of us talked the entire 3 hour flight, building a friendship and care for one another but most importantly sharing Christ with one another!

Gospel intentionality, it’s not just about having the words to say or just the actions to show.  It is about being aware of the message we have been entrusted, living out a life giving great representation to Jesus Christ.  As you step out into your neighborhood, to your favorite restaurant, sports bar, be intentional with those God places in front of you.  Remember our job as a christian- we are His ambassadors!!