Sunday, June 2, 2013

Prayer With Understanding

Matthew 6:7
“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.”
Do you ever get asked to pray for someone and have NO CLUE what to say or have any clue what their needs are?  Last weekend I was able to go downtown to hand out water and bars to the homeless.  Our hope was to be able to pray and share the gospel with them.  As I was going into this experience I had zero expectations.  I ended up meeting three men (two of which I will speak about) that will stay on my heart for hopefully a very long time.
From a distance we saw three older men sitting near a building with their bikes and bags.  We went over to hand them bars and water and the man in the middle said “God Bless You!”  Now that was an open invitation to start talking about Christ!  As we were talking, my heart just started to hurt and I had to put my sun glasses on to hide the tears.  “How do I pray for these men??  How do I even comprehend what they go through?”  I asked the man in the middle how they survive? Where do they sleep, what do they do come summer and so on.  He answered these questions so precise that all I could hear was this mans a leader!  This is the type of man that could be a HUGE help to others on the street by guiding them to the right buildings, shelters, finding clothing / food ect.  I knelt down to pray and I have NO idea what I said but I left asking God to help me understand their needs, and to help me understand how they feel.

The last man we encountered was the entertainer, he spent 15 minutes showing us trick after trick on his rubrics cube.  He told us jokes and just wanted our company!

I left that park filled with joy seeing that even on the streets there’s a piece of community, men that come together to help each other survive, men that come together and make others laugh, forget their troubles, and men that come together to just be still and not feel so alone in this big world.

That evening I went to a party, I was still really touched by their stories and shared my experience with others.  I kept saying, “man I wish I knew how they felt..”   I should know by now, not to say that unless I’m ready to truly understand!

I wanted to leave the party earlier than my ride so I got a ride with someone else that was leaving.  As she drove away from my place, I got to my door and realized my keys were in my other friends car and I do not have the number to the girl who just drove off!  I pulled my phone out and started to make my calls; roommate one – not answering, roommate two – on the other side of town and not coming home, my brother with the spare – sound asleep.  I texted a couple others to get a hold of my roommate but no luck… I felt SO HELPLESS.  I looked at the clock and realized there was no one I could call.. I was all alone.  So, in my high heels and cocktail dress I found a “comfy” spot on my tile staircase and attempted to sleep.  A fly kept buzzing near my ear, footsteps nearby kept me alert.  Now, I wasn’t just helpless and lonely but I was freaked out!!!!  I tried at my phone again.. no answer!

I glanced at the stars and as I started to tell God how I was feeling, He reminded me of my earlier prayer.  He showed me EXACTLY how those men I met feel.  I may have seen them as leaders or entertainers on the street BUT they are afraid, they feel alone and helpless.  It was at that moment, 2:15 am that I got to pray for those men, not a prayer of babble but with a heart of understanding!

I thank GOD for being my teacher, for giving me a heart to understand others and revealing himself more and more each day.  Most of all, I am thankful that I do not have to walk this life alone, that I do not have to be afraid of the unknown, that He, God himself, is walking with me, directing each step.  Psalm 25:5 Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.