Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last Camp

This past week we returned from our last camp of the summer!

This last camp was a lot different from the others.  This camp was at a church in Karlovac.  It was a day camp and the total number of campers signed up going into the week was 1...

Having only one camper signed up even as we entered the town that day was a little disheartening.  How would we have an English camp with one student?  How would that student feel?  What kind of camp schedule would we have... basically the entire week had a BIG question mark on it.  I am beyond thankful to have been apart of a team that was SO flexible and easy going.  We ended up having around 10 students for the English portion and around 20 students for sports,  the evening gospel talks and theme nights!  The students were very engaged, they seemed to really enjoy themselves and asked great questions that caused others to really reflect!
(thank you to all who have been praying for the number of campers for this last camp.  It was truly amazing to see the outcome!!!)

My prayers tonight go out to the Karlovac Church:

Dear Lord,
I am so thankful for the gift you gave us, in spreading your love, your truth and your friendship to those in Karlovac!  Through this experience you taught us to hold on to our faith in you, that you, Lord, are the only thing we need to hold on to.  Thank you for that reminder and for the security in knowing your strength.  God I ask that the students we reached out to at camp keep searching to know you more.  That they go back to the church and that they desire to have a personal relationship with you.  I pray that the leaders at that church welcome them with open arms and that they answer the students questions by bringing them back to your Word.  I ask that you help the leaders create outreach programs throughout the year and that these camps keep growing.  Thank you Lord for all that you have taught us this past week, and summer.

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