Sunday, March 6, 2011


This Wednesday is ASH WEDNESDAY!!  Growing up I looked at Ash Wednesday and Lent as ashes, Fridays with no meat and giving up one thing that I really liked.  I would ask my parents if I could give up vegetables.. However, that was never allowed:(  I usually ended up giving up pop (which was HUGE for me, normally I'd drink two a day).  I would look at those 40 days as nothing more than a countdown till the day I could drink pop again.  Some years I would even do it in hopes of shedding a couple pounds.  As I got older I realized I have been overshadowing the entire meaning of giving something up for Christ and what Lent could mean to me!!

What if we decided on giving up some habit of sin that marked our lives?  For me and others, Lent could be about conversion, turning our lives more completely over to Christ and his way of life, which involves giving up sin in some form.  The goal is not just to withhold from sin through Lent but to take sin out of our lives forever!!  Conversion (spiritual change from sinfulness to righteousness) leaving behind an old way of living to embrace new life with Christ!

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