Monday, June 13, 2011

Week before our first camp!!

We have been back in Croatia for almost an entire week and WOW, it has been great!!!

One area I wanted to grow in this summer was praying aloud.  Growing up I never experienced praying aloud with others.  It was something done with just me and the Lord.  Over the past year and a half I have had instances where I was feeling critiqued by others in what I say during my prayers, how I pray ect...   It has led me to feel very insecure opening up for others to hear what I want to say and how I speak to the Lord.  BUT this past week God reminded me that it is an insecurity satan is putting in my head to keep me from singing out loud my love for the Lord!!!!  And that it is a barrier that I can get rid of!!!  When I realized it was as easy as me telling satan he has no power over me because I am one with Christ, I have felt this great weight off my shoulders and havent allowed it to hold me back!!!  I am thankful to say it was as easy as me telling myself if this is a barrier between me and God than I get to do something to take it down and draw me closer to Him...

Another area brought to my attention is that God comes first, church comes second and family comes third!  I LOVE my family so much and want to be with them ALL the time.  Coming out here while knowing I was going to miss my sister and sister in laws pregnancy was the HARDEST decision I have had to make BUT it showed me how hard it can be to be obedient but what beauty can come from it!!

The last thing that has become evident this week was that I want and need to remind myself who I am serving and why I am serving. Being here in such a BEAUTIFUL place and having so much fun, it's easy to just get lost in the every day motions but I was reminded how God CHOSE me, LOVES me and I want to not only glorify Him each and everyday but build His Kingdom!

Prayer requests:

We are asking for 40 students at each camp (3 camps)
That the Stevo and SArah's church becomes more involved with the English camps
For unity between our intern team and when the American teams come that we are all unified

Thank you again for reading and taking part in this mission by praying for us!!!!

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