Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Afternoon Hike

Yesterday afternoon all I wanted to do was go for a hike, some would say I am crazy for hiking at 2 pm... and I would agree, it… was..  HOT!!!!!  

As I was hiking up the mountain, feeling like I was going to die from the heat,  I took as many opportunities possible to stop, breathe, and talk myself into keep going.  As people passed me I kept my eyes focused on the top and ignored any “hellos”- “good lucks” “almost there” comments.  I was exhausted and just wanted to get to the top.  I made it and had time to take in the beauty before going down.  As I hiked down, my attitude totally changed.  I was miss smiley, had conversations with others going up/down the mountain, and zoomed down the mountain with no need to stop and appreciate where I was.

Just as if we are going up a mountain, our walk with God can get tough, and at times we may consider giving up.  It is during those times that we should seek for contentment, allow others to encourage and support us.  Think back to the last time you were at a low.  You were feeling a lone, hurt, confused.. did you allow others in?  Did you allow yourself to take your eyes off the end point and take in where you were at, at that very moment?  Try it next time!  Let someone give you an encouraging pep talk, let yourself take in where you are at and learn from it. 

Romans 5: 3 We Rejoice in your suffering because we know that our sufferings produce perseverance, character and hope

As I went down the mountain and gained an entirely different attitude I stopped to think of my attitude when God blesses me.  For instance, little kisses from my nephews, weekly dinners with my family, roommates that encourage and show me love each day.  These are all gifts from God and at times I overlook them.  As you are given special blessings from above do you take it in?  Give Thanks to our creator who gave them to you?  Or do you come to a point were you just start to expect it?

1 Chronicles 16:8 Give praise to the Lord!  Proclaim His name; Make known among the nations what He has done.

So much for just a hike!!  Thanks God for the mini lessonJ

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