Saturday, May 26, 2012

The unforseen trickery

This week I was overwhelmed with the attacks of the tricky Devil.  What amazes me most is that the previous week I was studying on how he is so sneaky, watches our every move, knows our weaknesses, can and will attack.  Even me preparing myself, I still missed him coming and allowed his trickery to overtake my words and actions.

So, here’s my reflection on this previous week, enjoy!!

Ephesians 6: 10-13

Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength.  Put on the full amor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the devil.  For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.  This is why you must take up the full amore of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand.

What is the one thing that gives you the most difficulty in life?

Would you narrow it down to people, your job, lack of security?  Paul tells us that the battle is against unseen spiritual powers. People, jobs, bosses are not our enemy, "Be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace."  We use hateful words, critical things, we tear somebody else down to build ourselves up as if we are in some kind of competition with one another. We forget we are on the same team. When we fight - we lose.  We are not to be each other’s enemy.. Our enemy is what controls the people and these negative situations NOT the people.

How to get out from these attacks- Gods word renews our mind.  His truth will help us in how we think, and help us in how we behave.  Which means we are dealing with a Truth struggle, not a power struggle.  So if we are abiding in truth we are standing firm and can resist the lies that are being told by Satan and the world (our flesh). 

Because Gods word (Truth) renews our mind, our actions and thoughts, it is Him who we need to go right to when being faced with our attacks.  I want to make it clear, as much as I wish I could say I do this, I do not do it every time and because of that, my actions are not always loving and my words are not always encouraging.  Bring your struggles, your pain, frustration to the Lord first and foremost.  Allow Him to bring you that needed comfort, that needed encouragement, that needed love and the needed TRUTH!

“He is on the move looking for ways to throw us off balance, to distract us from doing what we need to do so that we can be what God wants us to be.” (Tony Evans) Be on guard for the tricks that will be played and know that we have the choice, the choice to let Satan bring us down with him and play in his game as well as the choice to shut him out with the help of our Heavenly Father.

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