Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Heading to Czech

Today has been another beautiful day!  We spent the morning in prayer, preparing for our next adventure and then a few of us went to the sea for a great swim and some rock skipping!  We are all trying to get in a little sleep and say our final goodbyes  before we leave for the amazing race in Prague.  The greatest thing about the next coupe days is that we have NO clue what we will be asked to do!  Last year a group had to travel to three different countries singing in public, eating cow stomach, taking quizzes ect.. and then we are off to Czech for  five days for our training!

As I was reflecting on my past week I felt like I did well in explaining how much I LOVE it here BUT did not emphasize on Croatia's prayer needs! 

What we are asking from God to see here in Croatia:
A place where people talk freely about God and what He is doing in their lives
A place where people openly read their Bibles in coffee shops
A place where people have/attend small groups
A place where you can feel Gods presence

With that said, I want to tell you a little bit about what we were involved with this week!  Wednesday night we had a Bible study, Saturday we had youth night, and Sunday we went to church and held a church wide picnic. With these events I noticed myself feeling at home, comfortable, and forgetting that those around me are speaking another language.  After the picnic was over this thought crossed my mind "Here I am, I spent the entire day not speaking to those around me yet I feel so close to each of them, I feel loved by them and am filled with joy".  For a girl who LOVEs to talk.. this was an interesting feeling!  This made me remember the power of our actions.  By genuine smiles, eye contact, hugs (lots of hugs), high fives, participating in picnic events- I just showed and received Christ-like love.  How simple is that??

We have met wonderful people so far that enjoy learning about Jesus, studying the Bible and know the importance of prayer.  However, it is not enough.  We want to see a movement!!!  Please be praying for our vision in Croatia, for the churches and for the members in the church to be godly witnesses for those they come in contact with!

Again, thank you all for the encouraging emails, words, prayers.  You are just as needed in this summer mission!!

ps I got real shampoo and conditioner woo woo!!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Half day:)

WOW.. God is good!!
Another amazing day:)

This morning we went to a couple more schools to talk with high schoolers.  The first two presentations were a little on the rocky side (when it was my turn to talk I tried to make a couple jokes BUT even my team leader and other interns didn't get it, which caused everyone to just look at me in confusion..  thankfully I just laughed at myself (so at least SOME ONE was laughing and kept going with my portion.  After that we went to a coffee shop- woke up and got pumped for the next round of presentations, which I must say were a great success!

Around 12 we started our sabbath (no work till 12 the next day!!!!!!!!!)  A couple girls and I decided to hike the top of Veprinac mountain which lead us to St. Marks Church!  It took about 2 hours to hike to the the top.  The walk had the most BEAUTIFUL views of the sea, old homes and stairs!  When we ended up getting to the top we found some information that dated back to 1507, 1866 ect...

A couple things that I am most thankful for bringing on my trip - the REI towel (thank you mom) its one of those that absorb all the water in seconds.
My columbia hiking pants that turn into pants / capris/ shorts.  WOW not only are they light weight, comfy and cute, they are also water resistant which means when I spill on them (which I most certainly do) it comes RIGHT off.. ahh soo nice:)

Things that I should have brought hmm real shampoo and conditioner.  I brought these leaf shampoo/cond. (you can get them at hiking stores) its like a little piece of paper and you mis it with water , rub and it will turn into a soapy substance... not as great as it sounds:(

Praise for the day - getting to spend quality time with two of the interns Carly and Katie!!!
Us interns being able to laugh at ourselves as we mess up!!
Getting to see how God lovingly putts certain people in our lives!

I would love prayers on what is to come from this internship.  Whether I am to look further into long term missions, more internships, lead missions.  In the past 2 years I have done really well not trying to look into the future or guess what is to come BUT a few nights ago I was asked "What are you wanting to get out of this internship."  hmmmm.. (!!)

I just got a spoon full of nutella.. I must go and enjoy :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 3!!

The past couple days have been GREAT!!!! We went into a couple different towns talking with students, I even got to see a past student MATEJ!!!  It was really neat to see how comfortable the students were with us and how much they know about the American culture (the Friday (frday friday gotta get down on friday) song is a hit or miss- some LOVE it and will sing a long with me.. others.. not so much:)!

The best part of the morning was driving along the sea shore with the BEAUTIFUL view.... I hope this amazing sight never becomes "a normal" view to me.

For lunch today we had one of my favorites -KABOB!!! yummie

ANother exciting part of the day was to see God answering my prayers.. as little and unimportant as they may have been.. He still answered!!!

Tonight we are having a Bible Study with some of the students that attend the local church.  We will have dinner, time to talk and get to know one and another and then dig into the Great word!!

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support!  I am very thankful and encouraged by your emails / comments!

Praise for the day:
Getting to see a LARGE group of people putting together a special day for disabled students!!  Seeing the students excitement and to see others putting special time in to this community brought me to tears as well as great joy.  Bless their hearts for serving in that ministry!

Prayers :
That I speak with love and words of encouragement towards the other interns, students and everyone I come across.
That I allow myself to be lead by the Holy Spirit
That I am energized, healthy throughout the summer!

If you have any prayers please email me teresaLrizzo@gmail.com

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm here!!!!

Overjoyed with how great our travels have been going so far!!  Ian n I met jessica n ryan in chicago- it was an instant friendship!  Jess n I found out her cousin n I went to high school together..talk about a small world!  
Our 8.5th flight felt like 16 but thankfully I had some great tunes to entertain me:)
We r just getting ready for our 5hr. Delay in germany where we will meet more of our fellow interns!!
....we still have 3more hrs Togo.. No reception, therefore, I get to write more!
Special thanks out to britt-just read your beautiful letter n I am so blessed by ur friendship!!!
Again I want to thank you all for your prayers as well as taking the time to reading this!!
1peter 1:13-16 therefore get your minds ready for action, be self- disciplined, n set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance but as the one who called you holy, you are also to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, be holy, because I am holy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

1 more day to go!

The past couple weeks has been such a blessing! 
My family has showered me with love, traveling items I would have never remembered to bring and cherish able memories.
My wonderful friends at work made me feel SO special with their encouraging words, thoughtful cards and beautiful huge goodbye signs!!
My friends have been such amazing supporters through the past year of preparing for this mission through their prayers, encouragement, and wisdom!
THANK YOU and please stay tuned!!!  My hope is to keep you all updated on my whereabouts and Gods movement throughout this summer!!!!
Romans 12:4-8
4 For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, 5 so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. 6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; 7 or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; 8 he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.