Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 3!!

The past couple days have been GREAT!!!! We went into a couple different towns talking with students, I even got to see a past student MATEJ!!!  It was really neat to see how comfortable the students were with us and how much they know about the American culture (the Friday (frday friday gotta get down on friday) song is a hit or miss- some LOVE it and will sing a long with me.. others.. not so much:)!

The best part of the morning was driving along the sea shore with the BEAUTIFUL view.... I hope this amazing sight never becomes "a normal" view to me.

For lunch today we had one of my favorites -KABOB!!! yummie

ANother exciting part of the day was to see God answering my prayers.. as little and unimportant as they may have been.. He still answered!!!

Tonight we are having a Bible Study with some of the students that attend the local church.  We will have dinner, time to talk and get to know one and another and then dig into the Great word!!

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support!  I am very thankful and encouraged by your emails / comments!

Praise for the day:
Getting to see a LARGE group of people putting together a special day for disabled students!!  Seeing the students excitement and to see others putting special time in to this community brought me to tears as well as great joy.  Bless their hearts for serving in that ministry!

Prayers :
That I speak with love and words of encouragement towards the other interns, students and everyone I come across.
That I allow myself to be lead by the Holy Spirit
That I am energized, healthy throughout the summer!

If you have any prayers please email me


  1. wow sounds like you are having a great time! The view sounds just wonderful! I will be praying for you! Praise God for the gifts He has given you-an energetic and joyous spirit that is infectious to everyone around you! What a gift that He has you there :)You are so wise and so attentive to notice that the "smaller prayers" are being answered-Your gratefulness will not go unnoticed! so SWEET you got to see Matej! aww! dont forget to take those pictures! Counting down until Croatia gives you back to us! :-D LOVE YOU!~Britt

  2. Aww, Teresa! It sounds like so much fun there! I am so glad you are there to love on those students and show them God's love for them! And how exciting that you saw Matej!! Tell him we miss him. That's going to be so fun when you start seeing more and more of the students from last year as well as meeting all the new friends. God is sooo amazing with His blessings!
