Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Heading to Czech

Today has been another beautiful day!  We spent the morning in prayer, preparing for our next adventure and then a few of us went to the sea for a great swim and some rock skipping!  We are all trying to get in a little sleep and say our final goodbyes  before we leave for the amazing race in Prague.  The greatest thing about the next coupe days is that we have NO clue what we will be asked to do!  Last year a group had to travel to three different countries singing in public, eating cow stomach, taking quizzes ect.. and then we are off to Czech for  five days for our training!

As I was reflecting on my past week I felt like I did well in explaining how much I LOVE it here BUT did not emphasize on Croatia's prayer needs! 

What we are asking from God to see here in Croatia:
A place where people talk freely about God and what He is doing in their lives
A place where people openly read their Bibles in coffee shops
A place where people have/attend small groups
A place where you can feel Gods presence

With that said, I want to tell you a little bit about what we were involved with this week!  Wednesday night we had a Bible study, Saturday we had youth night, and Sunday we went to church and held a church wide picnic. With these events I noticed myself feeling at home, comfortable, and forgetting that those around me are speaking another language.  After the picnic was over this thought crossed my mind "Here I am, I spent the entire day not speaking to those around me yet I feel so close to each of them, I feel loved by them and am filled with joy".  For a girl who LOVEs to talk.. this was an interesting feeling!  This made me remember the power of our actions.  By genuine smiles, eye contact, hugs (lots of hugs), high fives, participating in picnic events- I just showed and received Christ-like love.  How simple is that??

We have met wonderful people so far that enjoy learning about Jesus, studying the Bible and know the importance of prayer.  However, it is not enough.  We want to see a movement!!!  Please be praying for our vision in Croatia, for the churches and for the members in the church to be godly witnesses for those they come in contact with!

Again, thank you all for the encouraging emails, words, prayers.  You are just as needed in this summer mission!!

ps I got real shampoo and conditioner woo woo!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your ability to see truth and what is really important is so encouraging! I'm so glad that the people in Croatia will have a chance to experience Christ's love through your actions as well as the other team members' actions. How exciting that each day is a new day filled with new possibilities! And hurray for the shampoo and conditioner! :)
